Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Tree of Life

Tree of Life 
Its core remains, yet each season a new ring appears with the turning of the universe. Old bark is shed, new emerges; leaves are shed and re-grow, blossoms and fruit ripen and are cast off nourishing life and falling into the earth as fertilizer for new trees, new blossoms and fruits. From this one Tree of Life an entire forest grows, many forests full with the cornucopia and omni-dimensionality of incessantly renewing life. (Tikkun Magazine)
I find trees to be very inspiring.  Yes, I admit it, you could call me a treehugger.  But in all seriousness, a tree's growth is an amazing metaphor when it comes to leadership development.  I first learned about the Tree of Life exercise as part of my Social Media for Social Change class taught by Christopher Allen, at the Bainbridge Graduate Institute.  
The concept was so inspirational, that I decided to introduce it to two groups that I am working with this month.  And the best part about it, is that you can do it too in the comfort of your own home.  This is a creative, non-traditional way to explore you assets, interests, and vision as a leader.  So find some pens and paper, and let's get started.
Credit: Christopher Allen

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